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31, male

Posts: 9

Re: mhh

from INFLAMER on 02/10/2009 03:31 AM

EMP Rock´s !!! ^^ ;)

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: Was macht den Style aus?

from INFLAMER on 02/10/2009 03:25 AM

ich habe ja auch kein richtigen emo style... ;P
bin beim style ehh unentschlossn :-/

nur hab i meine meinung geausert wie einer von vielen emo style´s ausehn könnte ;D

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: aufm Keks geht mir.

from INFLAMER on 02/10/2009 03:06 AM

jo ^^ desswegen sag i es ja

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: in welcher stadt wohnt ihr???

from INFLAMER on 02/10/2009 12:12 AM

Leipzig ^^ ! ^^

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: Was macht den Style aus?

from INFLAMER on 02/10/2009 12:02 AM

ich find das wichtigste an einen emostyle sind die Harre...
was kleidung angeht schränken sich die meisten auf 2 farben ein
also schwarz + "beliebige farbe einfügen" xd
und dann parr kleinigkeiten z.b pali,Nietengürtel,armstulpen u.s.w

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: aufm Keks geht mir.

from INFLAMER on 02/09/2009 11:49 PM

was au lustig is mansche bilder findeste sogar auf Googel unter emoboy oda emogirl xD ^^

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...



31, male

Posts: 9

Re: ich bin verwirrt^^

from INFLAMER on 02/09/2009 11:47 PM

also 1. jeder soll das hörn was ihn gefällt
2. hip hop + rock gibts Zb. Limp Bizkit - My Generation
jo aba naja muss jeder wissn was er hörn will was mich angeht hab i meine richtung gefunden Melodic Deathmetal ;)

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...

Reply Edited on 02/09/2009 11:47 PM.


31, male

Posts: 9

Re: Lieblingsband

from INFLAMER on 02/09/2009 11:35 PM

IN FLAMES, Disturbed, Metalica
un seit neusten auch BB ( Breaking Benjamin )

BEST OF ALL-------->IN FLAMES<---------

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...

Reply Edited on 02/09/2009 11:36 PM.


31, male

Posts: 9

Re: Lieblingslieder

from INFLAMER on 02/09/2009 11:32 PM

Soa also
Eig alles IN Flames, Disturbed, Metalica,Tenacious D
un dann noch
Atreyu: The Crimson, Bleeding Mascara, Right Side Of The Bed
Breaking benjamin: Dairy of Jane, Firefly, So Cold
Three Days Grace: Animal I Have Become, I Hate Everything About You, Pain
SlipKnot: Duality, Pulse Of The Maggots, Before I Forget
Dragonforce: storming the burning fields, the flame of youth, Through The Fire And Flames, Once In A Lifetime, My Spirit Will Go On

löl ^^ SPAM ^^ xD

Don´t look so far away,you will stumble before you even there...


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