Profile of Liszii_diiamonT

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Profile views: 448 Views
Member since: 12/06/2008
Last online: 181 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 646 minute(s)
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Username: Liszii_diiamonT
Name: - Please login -
Gender: female
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Age: - Please login -


Ich hasse: jeDah der gLaubT wosz beszas zum seii x[
Musik: T E C H N O P U S Z Y
Lieblingsfilme: The hiLlsz have eyesz . the descent-abgrund desz grauens . wrong turn . saw 123 . iin 3 tagen biiszt du tod . freeDdy vs. Jason !! . house oF wax . scary moviiie . ll jegLiiche horrorfiiLme : )

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